Essay Contest Winners
We want to send a big congratulations out to our Association of South Jackson Essay Contest Winners. There were a total of 9 submissions from students that attended either Forest Hill or Wingfield High School. From those submissions, the top 3 students were to be awarded 1st Place, $250, 2nd Place $150 and 3rd Place $100. We send a special thanks to Atmos Energy, who is the sponsor of the $500 gift award for the essay winners. We had a panel of 5 committee members to read and score the essays and this year we ended up with 2 students being tied for 3rd place. ASJN graciously matched the additional 3rd place winner. The students were to submit essays written in a S.W.O.T. Analysis format giving their perspective of the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats within the South Jackson Communities they live in. We are so thankful for the creative, innovative and motivating essays submitted by the students and hope a seed is planted for them to continue to thrive within their neighborhoods as Proud Jacksonian's!
This year's winners are as follows:
First Place Winner: Pariss Tennon, 11th grader from Wingfield High School.
Second Place Winner: Karlon Rodgers, 11th grader from Forest Hill High School.
Third Place Winner: Shamia Thompson, 12th grader from Wingfield High School.
Third Place Winner: Zaria Dotson, 12th grader from Forest Hill High School.
Some of the members of the board and from the education committee of ASJN were able to present the winners their awards this morning, Thursday, May 2. Here are a couple of pics from this morning.